

Acupuncture is an ancient system of energy medicine that stimulates your body’s natural ability to heal itself. Throughout the body – and along particular meridians or pathways (where acupuncture points are located) – there is a form of electrical sensitivity. Acupuncture taps into those electrical energy pathways to correct imbalances.

Our highly trained practitioner uses traditional and auricular acupuncture techniques to alleviate a wide variety of physical and emotional conditions. She specializes in creating a personalized approach for each client that often integrates several protocols from multiple acupuncture systems:

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) -(relieves and balances physical symptoms and patterns)

Five Element Taoist Acupuncture- (relieves and balances interior emotional levels of the body-mind-spirit)

Balance Method- (integrates the Five Element and TCM systems)

Auricular Therapy (outer ear) – (treatment of the entire body through outer ear points)

Electrostimulation- (moves Qi a bit faster and aggressive)

Cupping- (suction to move blood to heal the area)

Gua Sha- (moves blood using gentle scraping tool)

Chinese Herbal Therapy- (available in raw form, tea pills, powders or capsules)


  • Reduces stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia
  • Psychological/emotional disorders
  • Immune support and illness prevention
  • Addictions to carbs, alcohol, tobacco, drugs
  • Digestive disorders
  • Pain and Inflammation anywhere in the body
  • Headaches, allergies, migraines
  • Gentle detoxification
  • Infertility
  • Turn breach babies
  • Many more…

Insurance is accepted and fees vary.

The following insurances are accepted:

  • Aetna
  • CareFirst/ BlueCross BlueShield
  • Cigna/ASH
  • United HealthCare/GEHA
  • Optum VA